Friday, February 27, 2015

October Vines 6"x 8"

I'm happy with this composition. I didn't see it until I simplified it quite a bit. Going to try to focus on doing that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Perky Little Primroses 8"x 8"

Here in the northwest the dear little primroses are everywhere these days at the entryways to local businesses. These little sweeties came from Bi-Mart. They dried out twice waiting for me to get a chance to paint them. Didn't complain and cheerfully posed for me today. I'll reward them with a larger pot and a few days of rest and recuperation in the greenhouse.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hazy Sunlight in the Cascades 6"x 8"

Nice to finally be back to painting but I felt a little lost today. Still experimenting with different grays, struggling to find reality in a photo.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Heading Home from the Fisher Unit 8"x 10"

We had a little break from the cloudy weather a few days ago so my dog Lulu and I went out to the wetlands to get a few pictures. Just love being out there. The geese fly over making such a ruckus with their squawking. We even heard a few bullfrogs. I hope I can get out there to do this in real life soon.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sailboats at Orchard Point 6"x 8"

I was again starting with a gray for my color mixes but today it was ultramarine and burnt sienna. That makes a nice color but I don't think I'll do it again. Also tried using manganese violet in place of alizrin but won't do that again either.I'm glad I'm experimenting though.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Old Juniper near Bend 8"x 8"

I painted this from a photo I took in a Juniper wilderness area east of Bend. It's a wonderful, unimproved area called the Badlands.
I was trying a suggestion I read in Terry Miura's blog which was to start with a gray mixed from cad yellow, cad red and ultramarine. Mix it with white to get four graduated values, then start your color mix with the appropriate value of gray.
My gray was kind of green although I tried to make to make it less so. I'm going to continue working with this concept for a while.