Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Darling Lulu 6" x 6"

Lulu and I went out to the wildlife refuge at the end of Royal Ave yesterday.  We've had so little sun lately and I wanted to paint her with shadows.  It was her first time out there and she was very timid of all the wild smells when we got there but about 2/3 of the way through the walk she got a lot braver.  I painted this for the DPW challenge and really enjoyed doing it.  Much easier than painting cups for some reason.


  1. I love Lulu! The brushstrokes are wonderfully loose and I love the shading. So nice!

  2. Adorable! Is Lulu a Bichon? She has a beautiful face. I would rather paint her then cups too:)

  3. Lulu looks like such a sweetie. You did a wonderful job capturing a personality in this painting.

  4. I agree...a lot more fun than man made objects, Euphemia!
    Love the toned background showing through to influence all the great colors!

  5. She's beautiful, as is the painting.

  6. Yes, Kathy, she is a bichon, although she seems quite a bit off standard. She's kind of long and keeps growing! But we do love her quirky little personality.
    Thanks to all of you for the kind comments. It's one of my favorites.
